Dreggard the Durable

Jun 18, 2020 - Dungeon Master

The Mountain Tooth Cleanup Squad awoke in the company of Duergar.

Nimira gladly showed them a secret path that led to a dark chasm where she claimed a black dragon nested.

Sanzac suddenly remembered important business he had back near the statue room and hurried away.

The team decided to spend some time mapping out the three dungeon levels they had explored thus far. They encountered a few adversaries along the way, including an animated table, a pack of Gricks, and a Troglodyte hunting party.

Confident they had a satisfactory map, and now in possession of another of Durgeddin’s legendary weapons, the champions decided to head back to Blasingdell to unload and regroup.

At the entrance to Khundrukar, they found the door shut. Upon investigation of the rift hall, Eldrin & Dreggard found secret paths to the north and south, inhabited by Orcish archers.

After slaying three, the final Orc surrendered and sought mercy from Sanzac’s Shiny-Orc-Cleaver. The party was loath to trust him, but their trust was rewarded when he revealed another hidden passage containing unspoiled loot.

Dreggard drug a heavy chest of treasure at the team’s flanks as Sanzac scouted through the forests towards Blasingdell.

A chance encounter with Owlbears set the adventurers back several pounds of meat, some rations and two goodberries.

As the heroes set camp on the second night, they were visited by a pack of wolves.

The pack sought the scent of none other than Dreggard the Durable. They led him into the forest where the sounds of tree felling could be heard.

Dreggard’s heart dropped upon discovering the reason for the late night wakeup call, a slain wolf cub.

Sadness quickly turned to rage as Dreggard charged forward to find the culprits.

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