A ghost from Syrus' past

Jul 9, 2020 - Dungeon Master

As the lumber camp liberators pondered their next steps, they were joined by Tadriel, who entreated them to join her at a safe place so they could talk. They arrived at a tavern nestled deep in the woods.

The party learned of Tadriel’s cause and history over a couple of rounds of irresistible liqueur. These moments of tranquility did not last long, as ghosts from Syrus’ past appeared and goaded the party into a brawl.

Syrus made an electrifying exit and Sanzac drew his blade. Scutters, in his element, unleashed a fury of bites, dropping several of the antagonists to the ground.

Archie swooped in from above, dropping his payload on the Half-Orc that had made Syrus’ childhood a living hell.

The leader of the thugs surrendered and fled, nearly running straight into Syrus who was waiting outside. Syrus, tired of the senseless violence, let his adversary flee. Tadriel departed for the Kingdom of Celene, offering further work and rewards there.

Eldrin learned of several routes to Celene from a local, while Sanzac poured his heart (and some Sugar Sap) out to a thirsty snake. The decision was made to travel to Stoneheim and seek transport to Celene.

The next day the team set off and marched for nearly 20 hours straight! As they settled down to recuperate, a Mind Flayer and his minions were drawn to their campfire.

Syrus, Dreggard and Scutters were dispatched by a psychic blast from their foe, but by a combined effort from Sanzac and Eldrin, the monster was vanquished.

After a very long day, the adventurers collapsed on their bedrolls and slept like logs.

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