The mighty Nightscale & flames of Stoneheim

Jul 16, 2020 - Dungeon Master

The journey to Stoneheim was shaping up to be a nice walk in the park until darkness swept in from above in the form of Nightscale, the mighty dragon who laid claim to the Stone Tooth.

She recognized the smell of these adventurers and noted their fear at her appearance. Just as she was about to strike, Syrus offered her information about a very vulnerable town not far away which caused the beast to froth.

She demanded a tribute from the party so as not to leave empty handed and Dreggard sacrificed a prized gold ring. Pleased, Nightscale took off to the southeast.

On the fifth day, Archie hooted excitedly that the city of Stoneheim was in sight. The party altered their appearances and gained entry through the gates.

Inside the city, Aldon was recognized by a shady Halfling in an alley. The short fellow slipped something into Aldon’s hands before disappearing into the shadows.

The party made their way to a modest tavern and proceeded to burn off some stress by drinking and gambling. Jer’amy had the golden touch, while Sanzac couldn’t win a penny.

Dreggared continued his legacy of challenging half-orcs to arm wrestling bouts, winning against the local tough guy.

The crew rented rooms at the Dog and slept on beds for the first time in several nights when they were awoken by screams and curses. They hurried outside to find a nearby warehouse in flames.

Sanzac began funneling water into the building but it wasn’t enough to douse the entirety which was filled with flammable flour crates. Jumping inside, Jer’amy found himself ambushed by Kobolds who were led by a demon!

The battle and the fires raged furiously. Jer’amy fell to a fire blast from the fiend but rose back up with the aid of Dreggard’s great berries. Jer’amy returned fire at the devil and his blast hit the bullseye, cracking several devil ribs.

Aldon peppered the room with errant arrows from the outside of the building, and then rushed in through the door piercing the devil through the chest.

Jer’amy discovered a captive who was trapped in a room to the north. He blasted open the door and rushed through a flame wall, grabbing onto the frightened man and teleporting him to safety.

The people of Stoneheim cheered as the flames were doused and our heroes emerged victoriously.

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