A fledgling Drow in distress

Aug 6, 2020 - Dungeon Master

Our epic saga continues with a Drow in distress, stuck in a massive spider web. Zim urged the caravan to move on, but the adventurers found it in their hearts to escort the entangled child to her family.

The distance was not great, but the mission proved to be quite eventful. Jer’amy triggered two glyphs that were set to ward off intruders, while Dreggard found himself slowed by a massive stone golem.

Sanzac disarmed the stone golem, aided by a recollection from the young Drow. The party snuck through a room of trickster mushrooms, then the air became cold.

The party had stumbled upon a haunted farmhouse where several undead lay in wait. The terrifying visage of a ghost shook the resolve of the mighty challengers, all except Scutters the Unshakeable!

Sanzac brought light to the darkness, burning the undead into non-existence. It was then, that a Drow hunting party, on the lookout for their kin, found the heroes.

The party peacefully exchanged the Drow child for some well deserved time in a restorative hot springs.

On their return to the main tunnels, they were ambushed by Hobgoblin bandits, demanding Dreggard’s magical battle axe. Sanzac opted for action over diplomacy and created a mighty eruption under their feet.

Soon after, Jer’amy added acid and cold damage to the fold, and howls could be heard from the black pit.

One bandit managed to escape, but not for long.

Sanzac hunted him down and after a fierce battle, the heroes emerged victorious, and Westin gained a new coin purse.

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