Vampires, zombies & burning cobweb

Aug 20, 2020 - Dungeon Master

The fireworks began when Jer’amy sent a couple green blasts towards a group of zombies and vampires who were out for the blood of a Svirfneblin caravan.

Sanzac laid down the mighty moonbeam, while Aldon heated things up.

Dreggard spawned an expanse of poky scratchies, and on top of it all, Westin stood ready to unleash a makeshift battering ram.

The zombies blazed forward into the fray while the vampires climbed around walls covered with flaming spiderwebs. Those who were lucky enough to advance through the obstacles were pelted by darts and bolts.

An ancient Vampire managed to close in on Jer’amy and grab hold of his wrinkly flesh, but in a flash, Jer’amy popped out of harm’s way. Without a victim to feed upon, the vampire tried to flee, but was trapped by the moonbeam and destroyed with a stake to the heart.

At this point, Westin rushed in with blade in hand towards a Vampire Spawn who was quickly approaching. The party looked on in shock as the two clashed and not one, but two bites were exchanged.

In the end, the Vampires were felled and the Svirfneblin were saved.

The adventurers continued on their way to Tyrybblyn.

Upon arrival, they were led to the headquarters of House Claddatar and accepted their reward for delivering the treacherous merchant Zim. They also accepted a courier mission, delivering Celestilite schematics to Zethlentyn.

We find our heroes at the Slaughtered Star, preparing for a journey to the surface.

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