Zeerith’s ingredients & Draenoss’ promise

Aug 27, 2020 - Dungeon Master

The Underdark Initiates leapt at the chance to spend a bit of time on the surface, they scaled a mighty series of stairs which led them to a place Dreggard, or Stray, once called home.

He was reacquainted with a hungry honey badger who led them all to Gordra the Druid.

Gordra had mostly disappointing news to share on the state of the forest. According to him, excursions were continuing at an alarming rate.

The crew set themselves to the task of collecting the ingredients needed by Zeerith the barkeep.

Dreggard briefly contracted poison ivy, while Jer’amy had a flashback to Cheryl the Steeder after a snake pounced at his tushy.

Westin awoke an ancient Treant by climbing it’s branches.

Having gathered most of the supplies, the party split up, Aldon and Westin headed back to collect payment while the others made plans to scout the work camp.

Sanzac infiltrated the camp in the form of a mouse and discovered the laborers were extracting oil from the lake.

Late in the night, the party was ambushed by an Orc patrol, but the Orcs quickly realized they picked the wrong adventurers to meddle with.

After all had returned to the tavern, Jer’amy was confronted by a barbed devil and left to take care of some ‘business’.

Dreggard convinced Aldon to take on the hot wing challenge at the bazaar only to set themselves and their surroundings ablaze. Jer’amy returned and cleaned up the remaining wings, licking his fingers dry.

Tazolil met back up with the group and they set off for the city of Zethlentyn. Not long after departing, they came across an exiled mage named Draenoss who resided in an enormous stalagmite tower.

Draenoss pleaded for assistance in obtaining a mineral called Godsdream – promising to enchant the gear of each member of the party as a reward.

It was decided that this quest was a worthy one, and our heroes tightened their belts and made ready to begin!

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