Rage of Sanzac the Slithery & Cirederill's demise

Sep 24, 2020 - Dungeon Master

The sleepy squad was led against their will to the Cliffwatch where Cirederill spoke briefly before forcing them to plunge into the dark lake below. The heroes did not dive gracefully and the sound of flesh slapping against water was painful to the ears.

Only Sanzac the Slithery, who had been carried in a tube, avoided a most embarrassing encounter with the water.

The surprises didn’t stop there - our team learned that Lliar’ryathoss had grown averse to a life of dominating weaker beings and had chosen a new name and path. He asked his guests to help free him of his bond to the city by any means possible.

This is when Sanzac’s eyes started to sizzle, furious at Cirederill for her deception. He stormed out of the lair and began climbing the cliffs while the others were given the ability to fly.

Sanzac caused the Cliffwatch to erupt before his companions had a chance to reason with him. Many cultists were instantly downed, but Cirederill escaped into her temple where Aldon watched her moves silently.

Eventually the dauntless druid was convinced by Jer’amy to settle down and carried off by the town guard who were less than pleased with his behavior. While he cooled off in a holding cell, Jer’amy schemed with the leader of Durhlong to put an end to the abductions and initiations led by the cult of Lliar’ryathoss.

Jacqueline was convinced and helped devise a plan. Cirederill was summoned to Jacqueline’s office where she found a bit more than she bargained for as a Barlgura ripped into her chest and feasted upon her flesh. The Cultists were thereafter convinced to pursue a new lifestyle and Sanzac was convinced that this pathetic cell would not hold him for long…

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