Archie lends a helping wing

Oct 22, 2020 - Dungeon Master

Appealing to the guards’ appetites turned out to be a solid plan and the team was able to sneak up to Velbis’ keep undetected.

Sanzac immediately hurled a spell at the commander, then he popped out of existence. Aldon ensnared Velbis and her bodyguards in a huge web. Dreggard’s mystery arrows blinded Velbis and sealed her fate. Sanzac returned and helped defeat the remaining bodyguards while Archie secured the secret documents.

Back in Enstad after a good night’s rest, the party ventured out into the streets where Jer’amy spotted a hooded figure, and let out an infernal war cry. A chase began and Dreggard commandeered a horse cart only to be caught off guard by a rogue chamber pot. Sanzac clambered up to the rooftops to catch the runner but neglected to notice a greasy shingle, sending him to the ground.

With a hoot of disappointment, Archie again saved the day, swooping in and knocking Ciryan Moonshadow off the roof and into the hands of his pursuers. Sanzac and Jer’amy began to argue about what should be done with the victim.

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