Role play challenge and a flying wyvernling bed

Apr 22, 2021 - Dungeon Master

A terrible shriek is all that Aldon, Corvus and Scutters could recall before darkness enveloped them.

Dreggard defended his fallen comrades, deflecting death rays while Sanzac brought them back to their feet, one by one.

Clearly confused upon revival, Scutters took a big bite from the fleshy part of Dreggard’s thigh. The room was cleared and eventually the gate to a mysterious chamber was opened. It was there our heroes faced a challenge unlike any they had yet encountered - ROLEPLAYING.

A new adventure began where a sheep enlisted the aid of the players and battle ensued with a Half-orc, and his cronies.

Dreggard aka Draggerd began hucking flaming roof shingles as Aldon flexed his new biceps in the form of Nodla the Barbarian. Suvroc KO’ed two wolves with her stunning martial abilities.

The RP-ers advanced to a tower in the woods where they faced more polymorphed adversaries and a power-hungry wizard.

A shrewdness of apes brought down the mighty Caznas. But they were ultimately vanquished. It was then that the wizard burst through the ceiling atop a bed dragon wyvernling, spewing splinter breath in its wake.

dragon bed Draggerd and Nodla targeted the Wizard and when he fell, the beast returned to an inanimate object. The wizard made one last ditch effort to protect the artifact, transforming himself into a gruesome pile of flesh and eyeballs. The mighty barbarian wrestled the artifact from its grasp.

Now, Finethir the sheep stares longingly at the wand, while Corvus lies lifeless in the midst of the desecrated body of Finethir’s former apprentice…

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